The Louis Vuitton Monogram Fold Tote PM handbag represents an embodiment of luxury and classiness. This bag has been skillfully made by Louis Vuitton to reflect their long-standing style of excellence.
The Louis Vuitton exclusive handbag is designed in monogram-coated canvas bearing a classic monogram pattern. The monogram canvas is more than an expression of chicness; it is a signature that every fashion lover across the world instantly identifies with. However, the brown-trimmed-grained canvas compliments it and contrasts at times and completes the picture with its classical monogram very well.
The Louis Vuitton Monogram Fold Tote PM Handbag is a symbol of luxury and sophistication
The size of this bag makes it ideal for your everyday needs, and there is enough internal volume to carry all your essentials comfortably without the bulkiness. It comes with a short drop of 3.75 inches so that you can hold it graciously with one hand or on your arms to give it a chic look. Additionally, it has a longer drop of 19” inches, which makes it suitable for use in an over-the-shoulder way. Therefore, this flexibility makes sure when you have the Monogram Fold Tote, you do it more according to your style and feeling.
This bag really embodies Louie Vuitton’s claim of making fashion with function and the quality of Louis Vuitton handbags. This bag features a classic monogram pattern and a brown trim that makes it easy to match for both formal and casual occasions. When going to a business meeting or any other social event, this bag will add style to your outfit. The perfect size of this bag, together with its iconic monogram canvas and various carrying options, will provide you with one more piece for your wardrobe. You bring class and style with you in every move when with Louis Vuitton.
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